Fermentis - Main sponsor of Lille 2024

Fabrizio Bucella

Full Professor

The Brewers Forum

Prof. Fabrizio Bucella writes about science and wine (and beer). Holding a PhD in Physics and serving as a university Full Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, he writes a column for Le Point titled “Le prof en liberté” (“The Professor in Freedom”). Each week, he is featured on the Belgian public service radio and television broadcaster (RTBF). On social media, he shares a daily educational video on wine and science, with his accounts amassing over 250,000 followers. He has authored the following books:

At Flammarion editions

  • “Trouver le vin qui (vous) va bien, la méthode de dégustation simple et originale du Professeur Fabrizio Bucella” (“Finding the Right Wine for You: Prof. Fabrizio Bucella’s Simple and Original Tasting Method”), 2023
  • “Les Tribulations œnologiques du Professeur Bucella et autres chroniques du vin” (“The Wine Tribulations of Professor Bucella and Other Wine Chronicles”), 2022

At Dunod editions

  • “Pourquoi boit-on du vin ? Une enquête insolite et palpitante du prof. Fabrizio Bucella” (“Why Do We Drink Wine? An Unusual and Exciting Inquiry by Prof. Fabrizio Bucella”), 2023 (3rd edition)
  • “L’Antiguide de la bière. Apprendre les bases de la zythologie en s’amusant avec le prof. Bucella” (“The Beer Antiguide: Learning the Basics of Zythology While Having Fun with Prof. Bucella”), 2023
  • “L’Antiguide du vin. Apprendre les bases de l’œnologie en s’amusant avec le prof. Bucella” (“The Wine Antiguide: Learning the Basics of Oenology While Having Fun with Prof. Bucella”), 2022 (2nd edition)
  • “À la recherche du vin perdu, une aventure œnologique dont vous êtes le héros” (“In Search of the Lost Wine: An Oenological Adventure Where You Are the Hero”), 2021
  • “Umami, les secrets de la cinquième saveur” (“Umami: The Secrets of the Fifth Taste”), 2020
  • “Mon cours d’accords mets & vins en 10 semaines chrono” (“My Food & Wine Pairing Course in Just 10 Weeks”), 2019


The Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), a prestigious institution located in the heart of Belgium, is renowned for its commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and innovation. Founded in 1834, ULB is a leading European university offering a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs across various fields, fostering a vibrant international community and a strong emphasis on social responsibility and free inquiry.