Fermentis - Main sponsor of Lille 2024
Paul Lefèbvre

Paul Lefebvre

Brasserie Lefebvre
Executive Director

EBC Congress, The Brewers Forum

Paul Lefebvre graduated as Industrial Engineer in Biochemistry (Master’s degree), in the Section Fermentation at the Institut Meurice (Brussels) in 2002. He started to work in his family’s brewery, Brasserie Lefebvre, inter alia as production manager. He was also in charge of the new products development and environmental performances. For the last two decades, Paul has continuously endeavoured to complement the range of beer produced at the brewery with some novel creations, such fruity and hoppy brands. During the period 2004 to 2024, the brewery had been growing steadily to its present capacity of 120 000 HL p.a.

In 2012, Paul Lefebvre was appointed CEO and 6th generation family brewer of Brasserie Lefebvre, traditionally based in Quenast, near Tubize (Belgium). Active and enthusiastic in the world of beer, Paul has been a member of the EBC Executive Team since 2014 and the Steering Committee of the Belgian Brewers from 2018 to 2024.

Brasserie Lefebvre