Flavour science & brewing technology
29/05/2024 14:00 Room 3.2 EBC Congress

Augmenting Beer Quality: Integrating Human Sensory with Analytical Instruments using MicroESR and Electronic Nose Technology.
Speaker: Evelyne Canterranne
Global Sensory Specialist
This study presents a ground-breaking approach to beer quality analysis that combines human sensory evaluation with the detailed analytical outputs of Micro Electron Spin Resonance (microESR) and Electronic Nose (E-Nose) technology to comprehensively analyse and understand the nuances of beer profiles.
This novel application aims to bridge the gap between subjective sensory experiences and objective chemical analysis. By correlating human perceptions with the specific chemical markers identified by the detailed analytical outputs of Micro Electron Spin Resonance (microESR) and the Electronic Nose, an instrument that mimics the human olfactory system, a comprehensive beer flavour map can be created. This will serve as a unique reference, elucidating the relationship between chemical composition and sensory attributes. Moreover, this integrative approach allows for the identification of key compounds responsible for specific flavour notes, enabling brewers to refine their recipes and production processes, whilst understanding the ways that free radicals impact beer shelf life.
This amalgamation advances beer quality analysis, enhancing product development and consumer satisfaction

The threat of wildfire smoke exposure during hop drying and its impact on US Cascade hop quality
Speaker: Cade Jobe
Master’s student
Oregon State University
Annual wildfires in the Pacific Northwest of the United States have become more frequent and severe due to climate change, creating challenges for hop growers and brewers who use American hops. This study explores how smoke exposure during the on-farm drying phase impacts hops. Cascade hops were dried in pilot-scale kilns with controlled smoke levels directed into the air intake system. Smoke levels ranged from 13.7 µg/m3 to 237 µg/m3, causing AQI values from 54 (Moderate) to 287 (Very Unhealthy). Chemistry analyses assessed smoke impacts to bitter acids, HSI, total oil, select oil volatile compounds, and smoke-associated volatile phenols. Descriptive analysis and line scaling assessed hop grinds for selected sensory attributes. As expected, attributes like “meaty,” “smoky,” and “artificial BBQ” increased proportional to smoke intensity. Smoky volatile phenol levels also correlated with smoke intensity, but there were no strong correlations between smoke intensity and hop quality chemistry. These results may inform growers about when not to dry hops if AQI levels exceed certain thresholds. Brewers also benefit by understanding key chemical and sensory attributes conferred by smoke.

The assessment of the sustainability potential of ale and a lager yeast strains and their impact on the beer sensory profile
Speaker: Irene Pascual Camacho
In recent years, breweries’ commitment to the environment has raised, not only to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of their productions but also to reduce the carbon and water footprint. Nowadays, there are technological improvements in the process that usually involve a large investment. However, there are biological tools with great potential to reduce energy consumption, such as the selection of specific yeast strains to reduce the fermentation time and therefore the energy required. This study is based on the comparison of four different strains (ale and lager), focusing on fermentation kinetics to compare the energy needs of each yeast. In addition, the organoleptic profile of the resulting beers has been also assessed with laboratory analysis and a trained sensory panel. The results show significant differences in fermentation times, varying energy consumption as well as the organoleptic beer profile depending on the strain used. Therefore, this work provides useful information to brewers so they can select the appropriate yeast strain based on the expected sensory profile and energy-saving purposes.

Can calculations solve brewing science challenges?
Speaker: Paul Hughes
Oregon State University
Today we are challenged with the prospect of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing – bringing step-changes in “intelligence” and processing power respectively – both of which promise or threaten to change the life experience further. Both developments provide opportunities for fermentation industries. Here we review two beer-relevant vignettes.
Bitterness design in final product: The historical literature on bitter compounds clearly shows the complexity of the portfolio of bitter compounds in beer, hop-derived or not. With the increasingly high resolution of the TAS2R bitterness receptors, future research can build on current understanding of the three-dimensional structures of bitter compounds and enable determination of ligand-receptor binding kinetics and thermodynamics.
Prediction of sulfite stability in beer: Whilst sulfite tends to protect beer from flavor deterioration in-pack, at least initially, it is irreversibly scavenged by other beer components. Multivariate models exist that help to predict sulfite losses during storage, but a combination of AI and known sulfite kinetics can provide options for manipulating sulfite reactants in the initial fresh beer.