Ann Van Holle graduated in 2010 as a Master of Science in Bioscience Engineering from Ghent University, Belgium. Since 2011 she is working as a research scientist at the R&D department of De Proefbrouwerij, Lochristi, Belgium. From 2011 to 2014 she was managing the ‘Single Hop Technology’ project in order to gain insight in and control over hops as a raw material in the brewing process. In continuation of this project, she finalized her PhD study in 2020 entitled ‘The impact of hop terroir on beer flavour characteristics’, in collaboration with Ghent University and ILVO.

Ann Van Holle
The Brewers Forum

De Proefbrouwerij was founded in 1996 (Lochristi, Belgium) and is specifically equipped for the development and production of beers for third party customers (in Belgium and abroad) such as beer architects, starting and existing breweries, or individual initiatives. To deal with the complexity of its own concept and to perfectly respond to the high quality requirements set by customers, De Proefbrouwerij features an extremely flexible, high-tech, automated brewery technology. To support the continuous pursuit of quality and innovation, the R&D department of De Proefbrouwerij focuses on applied scientific research. This research is part of product development, process optimization and quality control, aimed at controlling and improving the quality of the finished products.