Niels Langenaeken is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the KU Leuven Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry within the framework of an FWO fellowship. His research focusses on cereal carbohydrates within the malting and brewing process, exploring their influence on efficiency and product quality. Current research topics are the fascinating world of beer bubbles and mouthfeel.
Back in 2015, he was awarded the 21st scholarship from the Baillet-Latour Fund to start his PhD. Niels held the role of program manager of the Postgraduate program Malting and Brewing Sciences at KU Leuven that aims to train the future malting and brewing experts. At Syntra AB, he shares his knowledge of the brewing process with adult beer enthusiasts. He is co-founder of Brouwerij Polygoon, a small scale beer company with a yearly production of 40 hL.